Chapter 2 Page 40
February 25th, 2010

Chapter 2 Page 40

Congratulations to the winner of the 13th week of the Comments Contest: AlpineBob! I’ll be contacting you about claiming your mini sketch.

The contest continues again this week! To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment about one of this week’s new pages. Once your comment is approved, you are entered into the contest to win a free original mini sketch, made custom just for you, of any one character you choose. Full contest details are here.

Here’s the sketch for our week 11 winner Andy Jewett. He wanted a sketch of Frank “Breakneck” Kelly himself, check it out:


  1. Soth


  2. whyda

    Wow! This is another great page. The top panel is priceless.

  3. evaD

    Wow! That’s fast.

  4. AlpineBob

    That quizzical expression is great!
    Though I agree whyda, that the top panel is Awesome.
    That “Oh Crap” face on Frank is perfect!

  5. Simon_H

    Doing the shading on each piece of shot would have frustrated me. This is why I am not an artist 😉

  6. boots

    the guy flying off the back in the lower left corner is just brilliant.

    every week there’s more to love.

    : D

  7. Robert Kidd

    Top panel is priceless

  8. Brent

    Okay, all is good, Frank moved, then oh noooo, she hesitated. And here I thought that boy was outta the picture. Personally if I was the kid, I woulda kicked her out and tried to save myself. But he is still a kid.

  9. D John

    With as much momentum as Frank must have to move at a blur it’s no wonder that Pinkerton went sailing!

    The kid sure has some moxie to attempt a grapple after being handcuffed and shot in the back.

    I love this story! Great job!

  10. Jason P

    I want to buy this page!!!

  11. Dadzarro

    Love the storytelling, the panel layout! The crooked panels add to the sense of chaos and movement, love the buckshot floating over the row of panels, and the fist busting out of the frame! This may be the best page yet!

  12. zack kruse

    Blammo! That was glorious!

    So…uhm, does he have superspeed? Or can he slow down or freeze time and space around him while he moves at normal speed?

  13. Filthy McMonkey

    Neither, Zack. He just has complete control over the comic page so he can move within it in any way he wants separate from all the other page elements.

    Or, he’s uh, speedy, I guess.

  14. Jeff

    Faster than a speeding bullet! Ditto to everyone else – the freeze frames of bullets hurtling towards characters are unbelievable. Nice!

  15. James Andrew Clark

    That postcard sketch of Frank made my day.

  16. citizenDave

    See, I knew Frank would get out of that one! I mean, of course I knew.

  17. jonny the homicidal drummer

    the fact that its accurate to the rifle or shotgun was a great example of the awesomeness of GOSV

  18. AlpineBob

    boots, thank you for pointing that out! I had noticed it before, but now everytime I go back and look at him flailing I bust out laughing. ;D

    And wait a sec, I won! Holy cow! How’d I miss that before? Was I overcome by the sheer brilliance of the page? I guess so! But now I must ponder the myriad options…

  19. Steeven

    I knew Frank would get through . . . he’s faster than speeding buckshot.

    Great page guys! Thank you so much for this story.

  20. One Punch Reviews #29: The Guns of Shadow Valley « The Webcomic Overlook

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