Chapter 1 Page 09
August 11th, 2009

Chapter 1 Page 09


  1. Nuggie99

    “Not today you won’t”
    That’s a great line.

  2. citizenDave

    You can thank Jim for that one.

  3. Krispin

    I picked up the sampler at the CGS SuperShow and am glad to see more great story and art!

  4. citizenDave

    Thanks, Krispin! We should be caught up with the sampler in just a few weeks, so stay tuned.

  5. Juan Carlos Partidas

    I love the points of view in this page. They remind me those classic spaghetti western movies. and the scratched lines remind me the actual drawings sent by artists and reporters from the far west in those old days. 🙂
    Great job!!!!!!