Chapter 1 Page 18
September 10th, 2009

Chapter 1 Page 18

If you were one of the folks who picked up the Convention Preview Edition book, this is where it ended, about halfway down the page. So for you, this is where the new stuff begins.

– Jim


  1. Scott Miller

    where’s the new stuff? I can’t wait to see where this is going! Thanks David for being so kind to my son and me at the Pittsburgh con(you did a Nightcrawler for him). Your skills are absolutely amazing, anxious to see more of this story!

  2. Jeff Chagnon

    This comic is amazing. The art is very well done and the story is so captivating. I cant wait to see more.

  3. citizenDave

    Scott, it was great to meet you guys at Pittsburgh. I put up my pics from the con a couple days ago, including your son w/ his Nightcrawler:

    And thank you, too, Jeff!

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