Chapter 2 Page 34
February 4th, 2010

Chapter 2 Page 34


  1. Simon_H

    Those last 2 panels are priceless!

  2. whyda

    Freaking SWEET!

  3. boots

    d’oh! love that guy’s cluelessness!


    i know this is gonna sound weird….but nice exploding heads dave!!!
    love the awkwardness of the victims’… bodies-nice gesture/figure work.
    this story just keeps getting more and more awesome!!!

  5. zack kruse

    I’m with Simon. Those last two panels were fantastic. Like, laugh out loud funny. Between the first two and the last two panels, this is one of my favorite pages so far.

  6. citizenDave

    Thanks guys! I always prefer my action scenes with a few doses of humor mixed in and where the players aren’t always in complete control.

  7. El Dave

    Not the anus!

  8. Brent

    I’m starting to like the talky guy. Hate to see him get it too. The jerk inside, I wouldn’t mind seeing him get it.

  9. AlpineBob

    Wow! The suppressor design may be flawed, but it sure keeps the shot nice and quiet! My favorite bit is how that poor rear rifleman is looking away when his cohort gets it and has no clue what’s happening.
    I guess it’s a good thing he started picking ’em off before the creek if it takes a minute or two to recover between shots…

  10. Filthy McMonkey

    I hope Yappy Buffalo Anus guy gets it good.

  11. Dadzarro

    “How donuts were invented”.

  12. Steeven

    The 2nd panel is my favorite.

  13. James Andrew Clark

    I’m so proud the anus dialog is getting so much mileage.

  14. Amber

    I think Dadzarro nailed it.

    Crumpy co-driver might be ready to put a bullet in his own head.

    *teehee – my captcha words are “new goodies” – sounds like last weekend. TMI!

  15. Dean

    “Buffalo Anus”. And hence the Big Mac was born!

  16. Matt S.

    Mmmm… anus… Wait, that came out wrong.

  17. evaD

    Great facial expressions and “camera angles”. This page really has a lot packed into it and it doesn’t feel forced. Awesome job. And the ridiculous nature of the last line with the guy gettin’ whacked in the background is awesome.
    My captcha words are “violates albania”, and no matter how you slice it, that’s disturbing.

  18. jonny the homicidal drummer

    wow! i just caught up and i really need more…like right now!!
    how can people do the page or two a week!?
    this is BS!?

  19. thedanofsteel

    I agree those last two panels were hilarious in all the right ways lol