Chapter 2 Page 37
February 16th, 2010

Chapter 2 Page 37


  1. AlpineBob

    What? What?
    I bet he shot the driver instead of the guard. That would probably qualify for an “Uh-oh.”

  2. whyda

    Love the bottom panel and the view using the scope.

  3. boots

    crossing my fingers for a spectacular flip but i’m sure i’ll love whatever the next page brings!

  4. Steeven

    Uh-oh? UH-OH!?

    What happened?

    Did the bullet go through time and shoot JFK!?

    I also like the middle panel at the bottom. Nice work.

  5. El Dave

    That through-the-scope panel is FANTASTIC!

  6. Filthy McMonkey

    Dave, how is it that you rule so much? The mind wobbles.

  7. zack kruse

    Action packed!

    That middle panel of the wagon is a really nice segue.

  8. Dadzarro

    Uh-oh!?! UH-OH????? Gahhhh!!!!

    Well, at least you are not leaving us hanging over the weekend… are you? Guys?

  9. Dean

    Great layout and brilliant execution! This story is really picking up speed, like that stagecoach.

  10. jonny the homicidal drummer

    i will not complain about the one-two pages a week anymore..
    instead i will be grateful for the one i get..
    and what a page!!
    the layout is always Sexcellent

  11. jonny the homicidal drummer

    i will no longer complain about the 2 pages a week and will be grateful for hat i get..

    And what a page!!!
    the layouts are always Sexcellent

  12. jonny the homicidal drummer

    oops didnt realize it went through already

    Sexcuse me!!!

  13. evaD

    Excellent cliffhanger! I love the crosshairs as panel. Nice work guys. Can’t wait until Thursday.

  14. Simon_H

    Brilliant as always. At least she apologized.

  15. citizenDave

    Glad to hear all the excitement, guys! Uh oh, indeed! Find out what he’s talking about on Thursday!