Chapter 3 Page 19
August 31st, 2010

Chapter 3 Page 19


  1. AlpineBob

    I hope Mr Dumont is not so angered as to send 40 days and nights of rain!

    This burning bush may not be God but, when you can imitate his works to this great a degree, a certain amount of hubris should not be unexpected. Besides, it adds versimilitude to the imposture!

  2. Damian Smith

    It’s great when a Blue Flaming Spirit Entity used the force to shut someone up…

    I’m waiting to see where this is going… Really great guys!

  3. Damian Smith

    You have to love when a Blue Flaming Spirit Entity used the Force to shut someone up…

    Great going guys You have me hanging on for another week for more!

  4. Damian Smith

    Damn firefox having me double post! Sorry!

  5. Simon_H

    Love the Colonel’s grimace – he’s definitely got the weathered, leathery thing in spades.

  6. whyda

    Someone should tell the Blue Flame that it’s rude to interrupt someone. What if the Colonel was just trying to say that he needed a hug?

  7. Scott King

    I picked up the “The Guns of Shadow Valley” preview book last weekend at the Baltimore Comic Con and all I can wonder now is… when are we going to get a full book??? I thought the pages (artwork & coloring) look great online, but they are even better in print.

  8. Artie

    I wonder who this Mister Dumont is?
    His he a spirit or is this some kind of ‘communication device”?

  9. Nuggie99

    I love the writing in this strip “Hobble your lip” “There are times you stir a fury in me” Those lines are as great as Wachter’s art.

  10. Artie

    great page bt the way!

  11. Just Bill

    A very meaty strip this week, story-wise. So our Colonel is subservient to Mister Dumont, whose behind the scenes manipulations are leading… where? I dunno… but I’m intrigued and looking forward to finding out!

    Good stuff, guys.

  12. OhHaiMe

    And another thing,it really stirs my fury when kids roast marshmallows in me.

    PS:I am so going to use “Stirs my fury” when something upsets me now.

  13. Jess

    “…you stir a fury in me.” GREAT line.

  14. A.P.Bones

    The only way this strip could get better is if Jonah Hex guessed in it

  15. Amber

    Oh, you guys. A woman with bitterness and a handgun is far more to be concerned about than Mister Dumont’s fury within; though that it is a quote worthy of a Hollywood trailer.

  16. Elle

    Wow, so much expression in those eyes. Fantastic.

  17. KeepingYouAwake

    There’s a touch of whimsy here, I think. In the face of the blue flame in panel 1, and in the initial face of painful reaction near the middle. I think it still reads right, but there’s something playful about this.

  18. zack kruse

    rassa frassa city dwellin’ blue flame and his fancy two dollar words!

    so what’s the kid’s connection to this Mr. Dumont? or those green glowing rocks? or is there no connection at all and Mr. Dumont just found this to be a convenient time to re-direct the Colonel? I can’t wait to find out!

  19. Dadzarro

    Your palate is incredible! Combine that with your drawing skills, and Mr. Clark’s slowly-peeled onion of a story, and yeah…. we are coming back!

  20. James Andrew Clark


  21. citizenDave

    Just to be clear, I write the story along with Jim.

  22. James Andrew Clark

    Indeed. The story is a joint onion.

    But Dave never lets me draw any of it. There’d be more stick figure characters if he did.

  23. carlos

    Can I pull for the bad guy?

  24. evaD

    What’s wrong with stick figures? Although, to be fair, I wouldn’t want to miss out on any of Dave’s beautiful work.

  25. Brent

    The way they bicker, you’d think they were married. All that fury stirrin within sounds like luv to me. Gosh Mr. Dumont, (blink, blink) I didn’t know your cared 😉

  26. Bill

    I failed to mention this with last weeks page, but this color palette is freaking amazing, I love it! I cannot wait to see what happens next week, man I wish you guys updated eveyday!

  27. PeterWatson

    I loved the art in this one. Made the story come alive.