Posts Tagged ‘windy city comicon’

Windy City Comicon Report

Monday, November 3rd, 2008 by Dave Wachter

Last, last weekend, (yes way back then) I exhibited at the first annual Windy City Comicon. Organized by my buddies from the Around Comics podcast: Brion Salazar and Chris Neseman, the goal was to bring a comic convention back within the city boarders and have it focus on, get this, COMICS! It was a bit of an ordeal for me to attend the show. I had just moved away from Chicago just the weekend before, to my new place in Cincinnati. Once everything was in the new apartment(I’ve got too much stuff. A 17ft truck worth and then some!) I unpacked the computer and drawing table first so I could knock out the sketch pre-orders.


Pittsburgh and Windy City Comicon sketch pre-orders!

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 by Dave Wachter

I am now accepting sketch pre-orders for Pittsburgh Comicon (Sept. 11-13) and Windy City Comicon (Sept. 19). If you’re going to either of these cons, you can email me with a pre-order, which I will have finished and available to pick up at my table. I will be doing sketches at my table as well, but this helps me keep up with the demand I often receive and the sketches typically turn out better when I do them at home. The price structure is as follows:

Head sketch: 9×12, ink and grey tone= $15
Mini Commission: 9×12, ink and tone= $30 for the 1st character, $10 each additional.
Full Commission: 11×17, ink and tone= $100 1st character, $30 each additional.

You can pre-pay via PayPal to avoid carrying so much cash at the con, or you can pay me when you pick it up at the show. Just send me an email at [email protected]

Space is limited, so sign up early!

Here’s a few examples( you can see more on my art blog):
