Chicago Comic Con 2009 report pt. 1
Tuesday, August 11th, 2009 by Dave WachterTechnically, since moving to Cincinnati, Chicago is no longer my hometown show. But despite the distance, it still feels like it. I left Thursday morning, making my way diagonally across one of the least interesting states in the Union in which to travel. Arriving in the afternoon to the convention center in Rosemont, just outside the city by O’Hare Airport, I drove into the back of the con center, unloaded, and made my way across the street to the Crowne Plaza. There, 2 of my roommates, the fabulous Kramers, were already waiting. It was great to see them. Sarah had some room cookies ready, which were much appreciated. Pat Loika, Andy Jewett and myself were set up together along the back wall of the Artist Alley. Adam Witt was going to be with us too, but circumstances prevented that, so he consigned his space to his girlfriend Anne, who used the space well. You can see all my pics from the show on my flickr account. (more…)