Chapter 4 Page 14
June 28th, 2011

Chapter 4 Page 14


  1. AlpineBob

    Really, I can’t do any better than to echo Frank: “Damn.”

  2. Jim B.

    I’m beginning to think pretty much everybody has powers, just some are either weak or don’t know it yet. Bet that hurt like hell.

  3. Matt S.

    So this is the aftermath of that scene from over six months ago? If you can’t update regularly, a text recap or something might be helpful, especially if you have a change of location with each new strip like you’ve been doing with the last three. Sorry, I love this strip but it’s been REALLY hard to follow what’s going on lately…

  4. James Andrew Clark

    This is the aftermath of the scene from over six months ago.

  5. James Andrew Clark

    But seriously, when we wrote this chapter we didn’t intend for the release of the pages to be spread out over this much time. I realize that reading it a page at a time with sometimes as much as a month in between can be challenging. When the chapter is done I think you’ll find it reads well and makes sense as a whole.

    Hang in there with us. Another page is coming in 2 weeks.

  6. citizenDave

    As I’ve said before, I’m sorry that it’s coming out so infrequently. I wish it was otherwise, but I think I’ve already explained why it’s necessary.

    But that’s the beauty of a webcomic, you can just hit the back button and in moments easily catch up on the story! 😉

  7. Amber

    Is this “feeling” of Pearl another power aside from her sharpshooting? I’m lovin’ this gal more and more.

  8. evaD

    Still love what you guys are doing here. Can’t wait for print.

  9. Brent

    Oh…my. Nice with the light coming in through the window and the shadows and such. Like the color too.

  10. pale corbie

    Meanwhile, those of us without empathic powers wonder what is holding him up…

  11. zack kruse

    he loves you THIS much

  12. Terry Mitchell

    My favorite page… AWESOME Dave…