Chapter 4 Page 16
July 19th, 2011

Chapter 4 Page 16


  1. Mike Cuccaro

    We interrupt this scene of horror with an important noose flash.

  2. toaster_pimp

    Just came back to the site after a few months- glad to see more great strips up.

    I really like the visual style you chose for this sci-fi western!

  3. toaster_pimp

    Just came back to the site after some time- glad to see some more great strips up.

    btw, love the visual style u chose for this sci-fi western!

  4. Brent

    When reading it I automatically added a ‘yoink’ sound effect in my head. And then the doors go ‘flap,flap,flap’.

  5. James Andrew Clark

    Mike, that pun made my day.

  6. pale corbie

    I can’t help but laugh aloud every time I look at that panel of his feet just vanishing out the door…

  7. jonny the homicidal drummer

    man..I was behind
    so great
    there is a lot going on though
    gunna have to reread many times! 🙂

  8. Metus

    Read through the entire comic yesterday. Keep up the fantastic work.

  9. Rickety_Rico

    Looks like self-service was a limited time offer.

  10. zack kruse

    Dang. Now who’s going to serve them?