Comments Contest week 18

Congratulations to the winner of the 18th week of the Comments Contest: Jim B! I’ll be contacting you about claiming your mini sketch.

The contest continues again this week! To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment about one of this week’s new pages. Once your comment is approved, you are entered into the contest to win a free original mini sketch, made custom just for you, of any one character you choose. Full contest details are here.

Here’s the sketch for our week 16 winner, zack kruse. He wanted a sketch of the Man-Thing, check it out:


  1. Jim B.

    That’s cool as hell.

  2. zack kruse

    Nice! Can’t wait to get it. Thanks, Dave!

  3. citizenDave

    Zack, I’ll bring it to Summit City with me, along with Iron Man.

  4. evaD

    That’s awesome! Has Vince seen it?