Chapter 4 Page 01
October 5th, 2010

Chapter 4 Page 01

…Aaaand we’re back!

I think you’re really going to enjoy this chapter, “Tail of the Scorpion”. If you don’t like it I’ll eat my hat. No foolin’.

– Jim


  1. whyda

    Wow the coloring of the sky in the first panel is freaking outstanding.

  2. Bryan Deemer

    The sky is amazing, Dave. Job well done.

  3. Artie

    So, is this dude the Scorpion?
    Great buzzards!

  4. Jim B.

    Dancing with Buzzards. I imagine I’ll like this chapter just like the others, but still….. would like to see you eat a hat. lol

  5. zack kruse

    Wow. Chapter 4. I can’t believe we’re this far into it. It really doesn’t seem like it was all that long ago when I first saw the convention preview you guys had.

    I can’t wait to read more!

  6. Jess

    I love that first panel. 🙂

  7. OhHaiMe

    You bought a bacon hat so you could eat it didn’t you Jim.

  8. Filthy McMonkey

    Edible hats are awesome. The candy ones are a bit sticky, though.

  9. James Andrew Clark

    Mmmm… bacon.

  10. Scott King

    I’m really impressed by the coloring of the sky in panel 1. Were photos used as a reference?

  11. citizenDave

    Thanks, folks!

    @Scott King: Yes, photos.

  12. travisjcox

    So excited about the new chapter. Every day should be Tuesday!

  13. Brent

    Who’s he talkin to and what is he talkin about with the ‘she wasn’t complaining..’?

  14. AlpineBob

    Boy, those are some UG-LEE birds. So, awesome buzzards, dude!

  15. Dadzarro

    Love the breakdowns! And the colors are awesome, too!

  16. Neutron 11 (ROB)

    Just Started reading yesterday. I’m bummed that I’m all caught up! Awesome work!

  17. evaD

    Who’s he talking to?

  18. ArtieTech


  19. davelevine

    Love the perspectives, panel arrangement and layouts, and the color. Can’t wait to see where this is going.

  20. Brent

    Sky reminds me of sunsets at the lake. Vury niiice.

  21. Acksiom

    The eye-on-reader placement of that last buzzard, combined with its foregrounding over the panel framing and its juxtaposition with the narrative hook in the balloon, is just incredible work. For me, the subtle pressure against the fourth wall really intensifies the creepy atmosphere.

    If you get the time, could you post a little bit about how that was constructed — how much was planned out ahead of time, and how much resulted from the flow of the actual drawing, and so on? I’m sure I’m not the only one who would like to learn more about your creative process.

  22. Aethelfled

    I just discovered Guns of Shadow Valley today, and I just wanted to say WOW. This story is amazing, and I will definitely be coming back every week!

  23. Amber

    I’ve always loved your layout of panels and as others have said, that coloring sure is purdy, Mr. Dave.

  24. Just Bill

    I’ve realized that the page a week flow of this web series is actually causing me to slow down and really savor the artwork each week, probably moreso than any physical comic that I read. It’s making me appreciate the page layouts and colors and such.

    That being said, I still cannot wait to have you collect this in a form that I can have on my bookshelf.