I realize it’s a couple days late, but here’s my report on Comic-Con International.
I just got back from the San Diego trip last night. I made a slight detour to Disneyland on the way home, so that’s why this report is late. And I am sorry to say it, but my con report this year won’t be nearly as exciting as any of the reports Dave gives for the shows he goes to. He always has lots of neat commission pictures, and he knows way more industry people than I do. As for me, I brought my family with me and so most of my pictures are of them. However, I do have a couple shots of celebrities who stopped by the Dial R Studios booth to get a look at The Guns of Shadow Valley:
Mark Sheppard from “Battlestar Galactica”, “Firefly” and “24” (and his son):

Morgan Spurlock from “Super Size Me”:

I thought the show this year was a lot of fun, but there seemed to be way more focus on movies and television than on comics. I realize Comic-Con has been like that for the last several years, but this year it was more evident than most. A lot of the foot traffic was heading past book sellers on their way to the movie studio booths. A few vendors I spoke with said their sales were dismal, and a few people went so far as to say “Twilight ruined Comic-Con” because so many of the attendees were there just for Twilight panels and merchandise. I’m not sure I follow the logic of that complaint, but whatever, I still had fun.
We bought our 3-year-old kids a couple of toy cameras so they could take pictures at the show. After the page break is what Comic-Con looked like to my daughter…