Chapter 1 Page 02
July 22nd, 2009

Chapter 1 Page 02

This is the first half of a two-page spread. The second part will be in tomorrow’s post, along with a link to the full spread.

Oh, and hey, please feel free to comment here. We’d love to hear feedback and discussion as this here story unfolds.

Reminder: As you’re viewing a comic, you can click on the image to open up a larger version. This might help if you find the text to be a bit small for your reading pleasure, or if you just want to get a better look at the art detail.

Coming to Comic-Con this week? Dave won’t be there but I will, and I’ll have copies of The Guns of Shadow Valley convention preview book for sale, as well as my all new music album Ukulele Jim’s Authentic Down Home Marital Aid, with cover art by Dave. You can get a healthy sample of the music (and even download MP3s) here:

Visit me and the other geniuses from Dial R Studios at the Independent Press Pavilion, booth # 2306. Here’s a link to the con floor map:

Hope to see ya there.

– Jim


  1. evaD

    I love the way the tree breaks up the page and how it’s treated differently then the images between the branches.

  2. Michael

    Great page layout here.